Saturday 10 May 2008

Bill actor Stewart in on-set 'incident'

Bill actor Stewart in on-set 'incident'

'The Bill' doer Jeff Dugald Stewart, wHO plays PC Reg Hollis in the ITV drama, has been treated in hospital afterwards an incident on set.
The incident happened after James Maitland Stewart was told his contract would non be renewed, a spokeswoman for The Bill said in a statement.
Press reports suggested the 52-year-old skip his wrists on the set of the show.
The argument said: "We can corroborate an incident occurred yesterday pursuit a meeting with Jeff James Maitland Stewart, when it was discussed that Jeff's contract would non be renewed.
"Our primary concern is for Jeff Stewart's welfare. We are doing everything we toilet to see to it Jeff is getting the facilitate he needs, and would ask that his concealment is respected at this difficult time."